Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Day 21

Britney Spears transformation:
Before: (looks like a photo of me, without the cellulite I have)


Yesterday’s Intake:

BW: low fat cottage cheese and Kashi whole wheat bar
AW: Protein powder w/ water
S: grilled tofu, ½ cucumber, tomatoes, vinaigrette, ½ avocado
L: chicken/broccoli stirfry + pear
S: : Protein powder w/ water + grapefruit and Splenda
D: South Beach frozen pizza (whole wheat crust, chicken, tomatoes, spinach, low fat cheese) + protein w/ water

Hubby Being Discouraging Again:
My husband is still complaining that I’m waking him up so early in the morning and he can’t get back to sleep. He’s saying things like “I’ll be happy when this gym thing is over”. I’m like, “It’s not going to be over” and he’s like “Maybe you can do the gym every other month”. I’m thinking “NO!” I know that if I even miss one or two days, I will so easily get back out of the habit of going to the gym that I won’t go back. I know it. There is absolutely no other time that I can work out, it HAS to be before work. I can’t do it on my lunch break and I can’t do it after work, it’s IMPOSSIBLE. I’m putting my foot down on this one. I am NOT going to stop going to the gym, he just needs to live with it. Maybe I can buy him sleeping pills.

Reduced Intake:
Yesterday was the first day of my reduced intake. It didn’t exactly turn out as planned but I think it was okay. I’m trying to limit myself to protein drinks and really limit myself to bars. And I was SOOOO stressed out at work yesterday that I didn’t have time to make the sweet potato that I had planned for lunch. Then my hubby was nice enough to heat up a frozen meal for me (we don’t have a microwave so frozen meals take like 45 minutes to heat up in the oven) so it would be ready when I got home from work. But unfortunately it was not the low-carb dinner I had planned it was pizza, whole wheat and low fat pizza but still. But I think it was still okay because I had skipped the sweet potato earlier.

Gym Today:
I did my leg workout this morning. When I get a chance I really want to research more about how to improve my routine and to insure my diet is appropriate for my goals.


Anna said...

my family wakes me up in the morning ALOT!

Ear plugs have been a wonderful investment!

Kyle and Darci said...

bummer about the DH, is it just your alarm that wakes him? I wake up before DH too and I usually just try to have my clothes ready in another room so I don't have to get ready in the same room he's sleeping. But awesome that he thought to make your meal for you!

Anonymous said...

Tell the hubs to go to bed an hour earlier... and to be supportive. Way to put your foot down! hehe!