Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Day 7

I want legs like these, and the shoes too :) :
Yesterday's Intake:

B: Muscle Milk Light
S: 3 Hardboiled egg whites, 1 yoke, oatmeal w/ dried cranberries and Splenda

L: 2 Homemade Whole Wheat tostadas, chicken, green salsa, hummus

S: Edamame and grapefruit w/ Splenda

D: Protein shake w/ water and beans w/ BBQ sauce

I'm still eating clean....yay me!


Yesterday was a struggle, I'm realizing that I have to force myself to eat sometimes. Usually because I'm simply not hungry yet or because I don't really like the food I need to eat. Then when I got home from work yesterday I was in a big hurry to get out to church but I was STARVING. So I drank a protein shake. Then by the time I was home from church I was REALLY STARVING, so I didn't want to wait to make my baked sweet potato and chicken. So I just heated up some of the beans I made to satisfy my hunger. My husband is Mexican so I make a big pot of beans every week and keep it in the fridge. I was putting LARD or BACON GREASE in it each time....terrible I know.....but this time I omitted any fat.

BTW, I noticed that beans are listed as a carb for Body for Life food list. I always thought they were a protein :( It's too bad because beans are easy, economical and satisfying.

Cardio Struggle:

I'm just Mrs. Lazy Bones I guess, because it's hard for me to motivate myself to jog or run on the treadmill. I did cardio for 45 minutes this morning, and for 30 of those minutes I listened to this old CD I have that is like this personal trainer who tells you when to speed up and when to up the resistance etc. it's great. The only thing is, once that CD is done I'm sweating and ready to cool down but I've got 15 more minutes to do cardio. I'll have to figure something out.
Also: As predicted, I am REALLY sore today from yesterday's weight training.

Office Temptations:

As if I didn't have enough temptations on a NORMAL day at work we will be having a party today for a girl that is leaving. Great. I know there will be cupcakes involved. They wanted ME to make the cupcakes, thank God I didn't that would be tough being in the kitchen surrounded by cupcakes I can't eat. I made some green salsa instead and I also brought some of my whole wheat tortilla chips so that I can at least partake in the salsa.

Oh and BTW, last night at church they had a big pot of Sopa con Albondigas (Meatball Soup) it smelled SO good, but I didn't have any :)

I didn't have a chance to fix my lunch last night because I was running around like a chicken with her head cut off. So I will allow myself to go to the Pita Pit and get a delicious veggie pita. Yummy!

1 comment:

JC said...

I didn't realize that beans were a carb either! But i never eat beans so...

At my work, people bring food in all the time. And I could never resist. Ever. You really have to get a suit of armor for that scenario! And if you find a way to resist, then you must be amazing and you should advertise your strategy!

I do my cardio to my ipod. I put it on shuffle. I have this one band that my hubby had on the computer - it came up unexpectedly - like screaming music. I usually would hate it, but hearing the guy scream in the music was actually fun because it made my workout not feel so terrible. lol.

And one final thought. If you have access to a spinning class anywhere (well I mean, at the gym), I would highly recommend going to it. It works. Interval cardio is great, but spinning class for an hour is an excellent alternative for several reasons. (And it's just as effective because they incorporate intervals in the class).

Good luck!