Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Day 1

So far so good, I've eaten just a protein bar and hot tea so far. Then again it's only 8:22.

Goals for today:

1. Not to eat any of the cookies, chocolate or pizza in the breakroom.

2. Go to grocery store at lunch to buy healthy food.

New Diet:
I've decided to follow a diet similiar to the body type that I admire the most. I really like how fitness model's bodies are. (not the crazy big bulky ones, but fit and toned) Yesterday, I researched what these models ate and therefore I will try to follow it.

Here's an example of a day in the diet I've made myself:
Breakfast: Protein Powder w/ milk
Snack: oatmeal w/ cranberries, splenda, cinnamon
Lunch: chicken on green salad w/ light dressing, brown rice
Snack: cottage cheese w/ cherry tomatoes and cucumber
Dinner: Sweet potato with turkey and vegetables
Dessert: sugar free jello

I need to go back to having a gym membership.
Yes we are followers of Dave Ramsey and have tried to trim our expenses down to the bare minimums to pay off our debts, which is why the gym membership was out of the question. But the thing is, I simply CANNOT motivate myself to work out at home. When I go to the gym I am surrounded by inspiration and motivation instead of distractions. The only POSSIBLE time in my busy day is to go before work. Which would mean waking up at about 4:45am. It's not impossible. I can do this.

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