Thursday, November 20, 2008

Day 2

Total Intake Yesterday:

B: Protein bar and hot tea
S: Celery w/ 1-2 tbl. Peanut Butter
L: Green salad w/ tomatoes, cucumber and Fat Free Ranch.
Protein shake w/ soy milk
S: Brown rice and soy sauce
D: Smart Start cereal w/ soy milk
Protein shake w/ 1/2 soy milk 1/2 water.

I think I did pretty good yesterday. I succeeded in not partaking in any of the office temptations (chocolates and this stew somebody brought in). Yesterday I got home and had exactly 10 minutes to eat dinner before we went back out the door for church, hence the cereal.
I probably won't be buying anymore cereal for myself from now on, but I want to finish this box and it is a "healthy" cereal so I think it is okay.

The Gym Situation: I did not excercise yesterday. I realize that there is a glaring need for this on a daily basis if I want to look like a fitness model.

I went to visit a gym that is about a block down the road from work yesterday. We will be moving offices at the end of the year and so I know that I will need to cancel this membership and get one at the gym closest to the new office. Only thing is, this one over here you have to sign a 12 month contract and the only way to get out of it is to prove that you moved. My plan is to use my office's address and then "move" to my home address to get out of the $50 fee for cancelling the contract. Is this ethical?

Support from the Hubby:
Support from my husband is lacking. Wouldn't you think he would be encouraging that his wife is trying to make herself hotter and healthier? Which will in turn improve my absent libido, which will in turn improve our sex life? Well, he's just concerned about how full my schedule already is and he thinks I will be more exhausted than I already am. I think it will give me more energy. He's also always had sleep problems, he cannot go back to sleep once he has been woken up. He's concerned that me waking up at 4:30am to go to the gym will affect his sleep.

But, he says he is willing to try to comprimise because it's so important to me. So I guess that means we will talk more about it. Which is fine because I don't have the money yet to start the gym membership anyways.

I've decided that for the next week or two I'm going to focus on eating right. My diet was so out of control before that this in itself will be a big adjustment. Let me get that under my belt and then when I have the money at the end of the month I will get my gym membership and start working out.

The Ex
Before I met DH, I had another boyfriend. He was a completely different personality than DH and was OBSESSED with fitness and working out and sports. He was a huge influence to me and was constantly talking about how I should work out and lose weight. Needless to say I DUMPED him. But part of me wishes I had someone who gave me accountability like that again. My DH now is so loving and great, he would love me even if I was 280 lbs. But that is SO not motivating!It's INSANELY motivating to know that your boyfriend can tell when you gained 3 pounds. Anyways, I haven't seen him for about 2 years or more. I haven't talked to him for about 3 years.

In trying to motivate myself, I think of running into him and what he would think about my body. If he saw me now he would notice that I've gained about 15-20 lbs. It is probably unhealthy to be thinking about running into exes but for me the time I was with him was the most fittest time of my life. And I need accountability people!

Goals for Today:
1. Do not have any chocolate, candy or sweets.

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