Monday, November 24, 2008

Day 6

Talk about thinspiration, this is the Sacramento Kings NBA dance team...I went to highschool with three of them.
Don't worry I certainly did NOT fall off the wagon over the weekend, I just did not blog. Here's what I ate:

Saturday (Day 4) Cheat Day

B: Blueberry pancakes, protein powder w/ water
S: 1 scoop Ice cream and 3 bitesize pieces of chocolate
L: Green salad w/ vinagrette dressing, seeds, guacamole, grilled chicken. Chips and salsa, 2 glasses of champagne.

S: Small amount of candy and 1/2 of a Starbucks tall Chai tea

Sunday (Day 5)

B: Protein powder w/ water
S: Oatmeal w/ Grade B maple syrup, dried cranberries, 3 boiled egg whites

L: Homemade baked whole wheat tortilla chips w/ hummus, protein powder w/ light soy milk.

S: Grapefruit w/ a little sugar.

(went to sleep early and therefore did not eat much)

I'm so excited that I have made it to Day 6 successfully! Yay me!

Discouraging weight training:

I made it to the gym this morning before work :) First day of weight training in about 1.5 years! I did get a little discouraged at how much weaker I am. I used to be able to lift SO much more weight. I really pushed myself today, I know I will be sore but that is a good sign. I worked out for 45 minutes this morning about 15 minute cardio warm up and cool down and 30 minute weight training on my legs.

Meeting with Trainer:
No I do not have enough money to have a trainer. But 24 hour gave me a free "orientation" Friday on my lunch break with a trainer. I was happy because she gave me alot of good info about making a routine for myself etc.

They took measurements though...ugh....I knew already that I was about 145 but I honestly thought that my Body fat % was around 23-25, not good but not terrible. Well, they took out the calipers and tell me my body fat is 30.5%!!!!!!!

I was very happy though that now I have an accurate starting point because it's sort of impossible for me to accurately measure my body fat on my own.

Adventures in Healthy Cooking:

I am a total foodie, I love to cook and experiment in the kitchen and I love trying new exotic gourmet foods. This is part of the reason it's hard for me to eat healthy because I just love good food. I didn't get fat on potato chips, I got fat on delicious homemade lasagna.

Well I made my own whole wheat tortilla chips and tostadas yesterday!!! It was so easy and now I can have tostadas that are healthy. It will be an adventure trying to invent healthy recipes.

Cheat Day:

I love the idea of the cheat day, it really really helps me stick to my diet.

I don't want to totally pig out on my cheat days, I still want to try to make healthy decisions. I tried to include protein each time I ate. And when we went to Chevy's (our favorite restaurant) to celebrate our 2 year anniversary of the night he proposed to me, I ordered a big green salad. I felt so good. It was a great night.

Thanks everybody for helping me through my journey!

1 comment:

Kyle and Darci said...

Hey! I just found your blog! Looks like we are pretty similar...I'm a 20's married girl with too much weight! Only I have lots more to lose than you! Way to make this change!! Keep up the good work! Look forward to seeing your progress!! Btw, we are doing the "Dave Ramsey" Total Money Makeover too, we decided tho you can't put a price on your health and's a necessary expense for the gym!