Friday, November 21, 2008

Day 3

Yesterday's Intake:

B- Smart Start Cereal w/ soy milk, 1 egg white 1/2 egg yoke.
S- 1 egg white 1/2 egg yoke, green apple w/ peanut butter
L-green salad w/ cucumber, tomatoes and fat free ranch, brown rice w/ soy sauce, 1 egg white 1/2 yoke.
S-Cucumber and tomatoes with fat free ranch, whole wheat toast with peanut butter.
D-Protein shake w/ soy milk, oatmeal w/ dried cranberries and Grade B Maple syrup.

Another good eating day! Believe me I haven't achieved two whole days of eating healthy in a long time.

Yesterday I signed up for 24 Hour Fitness. I wanted to do their Free 7 Day pass (because I have no money yet for getting a membership and to comprimise w/ my doubting husband). But the guy informed me that the pass only works between 8-7. Bummer. I have to go at 5:30a otherwise I can't go. So he said if I sign up for a membership I have 5 business days to cancel free of charge. So that's what I did. I'm going to cancel the membership next Wednesday and not get charged. Works for me.

First day at the Gym:
So this morning I woke up at 4:50a to do my first day at the gym :) It worked out great! I actually overestimated how much time I take getting ready so I probably can wake up later next time. Plus I pretty much avoided all traffic.

I decided to ease myself into this, so I stayed where I was comfortable and that is the cardio machines. I walked/jogged/sprinted for 40 minutes on the treadmill. Next time I go I will start the strength training on the weight machines. I have never been 100% comfortable in the free weights area, hopefully in a few weeks I will be because I know that that is the place to be to make the most dramatic transformation.

I really really really need to start LOVING working out. I need to just drag myself to the gym. Eating healthy for me is much easier than working out. I really hope that I will start to love it, because when I love it then my body will change.

Body for Life
I've been spending alot of time over at reading people's transformations, diets and motivation. It's a great site with lots of good information. After reading how a book called Body for Life mentioned in story after story I decided to check out the website. I'm surprised I haven't heard of this diet before! It's pretty much exactly what I've been aiming at! And the people who have completed the 12-week Body for Life program have some pretty convincing before and after photos (see above). What a great motivation.

What I really like about this diet is that once a week you get a "cheat day" when you can eat whatever you want! I've decided I'm going to have it this week on Saturday. I think that that is a brillant idea, because it really helps fight cravings. When I see something I want (like ice cream or fried chicken or something) I don't have to tell myself "I can't ever eat that anymore" I can just tell myself "I can save that for my cheat day". It really helps avoid any mistakes. I love it I think that it will be a big part about me sticking to this.


JC said...

I first did Body for Life about 6 years ago and lost 35lbs. Over the years I maintained it until the end of college and first few years of married life. The Body for Life skills were still there and I just put them into better use once again and I re-lost the weight. It really is for life and it really does work.

The one thing I advise of you is to stay healthy. It's easy to slip from the healthy muscle tone and eating well into a really unhealthy version of the program. That's what happened with me. I'm not really healthy anymore but I'm definately small.

Stay healthy. Eat. Exercise. Live a vivacious and lasting life. :)

Dons said...

Weight training and excellent nutrition is the key to reducing body fat (throw away scales dont measure your weight, measure bodyfat)!!
Get a good weight training routine together - you will notice the difference after 2 weeks.

Anonymous said...

Hey girl.. I just found your blog. Sounds like we did the same thing. Got married and packed on the pounds, but I messed up and let 2 years go by without doing anything and put on 40 pounds. So I am glad to see u taking control early! Keep it up girl! u can do it!!